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Sparkling Water: A Popular Alternative to Still Water

POSTED ON: January 31, 2024
Glass of sparkling water in front of a grey background
Many of us struggle to consume the recommended 8 cups of water a day. After all, it’s easy to ignore a chronic mild thirst when we’re consumed with other pressing matters, but that doesn’t mean staying hydrated isn’t important. Drinking fluids is crucial to our health and maintaining the function […] Continue Reading

3 Reasons to Rent a Commercial Ice Machine This Summer

POSTED ON: January 31, 2024
Two glasses of ice on a counter surrounded by ice on the counter
Picture this: melty cubes clinking around a glass followed by the sweet sensation of chilled water trickling down your throat. Doesn’t that just make you want to go grab a drink of water? Me, too! That’s because there are few activities more refreshing than gulping down ice water on a […] Continue Reading

Point-of-Use Water Coolers — Everything You Need To Know About a Plumbed-in Dispenser

POSTED ON: January 31, 2024
Chances are, you have seen a water cooler before – whether it was in the cafeteria at work, the waiting room at the dentist, or the lobby of a hotel. There’s an even greater chance that the water cooler you saw was a traditional, upside-down, 5-gallon water jug that dispenses […] Continue Reading

POU Water Cooler vs. 5 Gallon Water Dispenser

POSTED ON: January 31, 2024
Employees standing in line waiting to use the water cooler
Last Updated: 8/6/2020 A point of use (POU) water cooler differs greatly from its 5 gallon water dispenser predecessors in that the water is filtered on-site, right within the filtered water cooler itself. Water in a 5-gallon jug, on the other hand, is pre-filtered and bottled at an off-site manufacturing plant then […] Continue Reading

Why Water from a Quench Cooler Tastes So Good

POSTED ON: January 31, 2024
Close up of a person holding a glass of water
Last Updated: 8/6/2020 Quench Water Experts take pride in our ability to deliver great-tasting water to the masses from our bottleless water coolers. Yet, to some, great-tasting water sounds like an oxymoron. H2O is H2O, right? In fact, water is famous for being rather plain and bland. However, if you […] Continue Reading

Quench Selected as the Best Pick for Environmentally Friendly Water Delivery Service on business.com

POSTED ON: January 31, 2024
Business.com Best Pick 2019 Logo
Each year, business.com’s team of independent researchers evaluate business solutions to help companies make smarter buying decisions. The team gathers data that would be readily available to anyone requiring an honest and unbiased review, including talking with business owners, reading user comments, testing systems when possible, and considering pricing until […] Continue Reading

5 Ways Your Business Can Support National Hydration Day

POSTED ON: January 31, 2024
Woman working on her computer holding a water bottle
Staying properly hydrated keeps our bodies running smoothly and supports our overall health. National Hydration Day raises awareness about hydration and presents an opportunity to establish good water-drinking habits. Water is the body’s second most important nutrient after oxygen, so it’s important to replenish your body’s supply of it every […] Continue Reading